SST 1-Hour Confined Space Entry

Understand the dangers of working in and around confined spaces with this online course. Register today to earn SST card credit!

  • New York City Site Safety Compliant – Approval: #SST-B202
  • Earn 1 hour of SST card credit
  • Learn anywhere, anytime on any device
  • Dynanic, lively instructional experience
100% Online At Your Own Pace
Developed by Certified Safety Experts
Interactive and Engaging

About This Course s-mod-info

Confined spaces are enclosed or partially enclosed spaces with limited entry and exit points, not designed for continuous occupancy. These spaces pose potential hazards due to factors like limited ventilation, restricted access, and the presence of substances that may cause harm.

Awareness training can teach workers to understand the dangers of confined spaces and how to mitigate risks, helps prevent accidents and ensures a safer work environment.

You will earn 1 hour of specialized elective credit for your Site Safety Training (SST) card upon completion of this course.  

Upon completing lessons and passing the 10-question final exam with a minimum 75% score, receive an immediate certificate of completion. Three attempts are given for passing the final.

Note that THIS TRAINING IS AWARENESS-LEVEL ONLY and does not provide any other qualification or authorization outside of the Site Safety Training Card.

This awareness-level orientation DOES NOT GRANT AUTHORIZATION FOR ENTRY OR WORK IN CONFINED SPACES OR PERMIT-REQUIRED CONFINED SPACES. Prior to entering a confined space, your employer is required to provide advanced training covering methods for isolating, controlling, or otherwise protecting employees from associated hazards. Employees without authorization for entry rescues should be informed about the dangers of attempting such rescues.

NYC SST courses are provided in partnership with 360training. Provider ID Number: 4T02  

Instructor Information:  
Instructor: John Rupp Jr.  
Email: [email protected]   

Learning Outcomes

Topics Covered

  • What is a Confined Space?
  • What is a Permit-Required Confined Space (PRCS)?
  • Who is Responsible at a Multi-Employer Worksite?

Course Objectives

  • Upon completion of this course, you will be able to:
  • Define terms associated with permit-required confined spaces in construction.
  • Recognize and avoid permit-required confined spaces in construction.
  • Describe regulatory safety requirements associated with permit-required confined spaces.
  • Make informed decisions when working near or around permit-required confined spaces, including not entering them unless trained and authorized to do so. 

Course Facts

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What You Get

Certificate of Completion

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Course Access

Course Available 24/7

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Course Format

100% online

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Course Structure

At your own pace, save progress as you go

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Course Content

Content is updated and current



AdvanceOnline is accredited by the International Accreditors for Continuing Education and Training (IACET) and offers IACET CEUs for its learning events that comply with the ANSI/IACET Continuing Education and Training Standard.  IACET is recognized internationally as a standard development organization and accrediting body that promotes the quality of continuing education and training.