NYC DOB SST Card (New & Replacement)
Order your NYC DOB SST card today! Ensure you are following New York City regulations and have this on hand while on the construction site.
DISCLAIMER: Certain conditions apply. See description for details.
100% Online At Your Own Pace
Developed by Certified Safety Experts
Interactive and Engaging
About This Course s-mod-info
This SST Card is for individuals who:
- Misplaced your NYC DOB SST Card,
- Want to upgrade to a Training Connect Card or
- Want to upgrade to a Supervisor card, we make it easy for you to order.
PLEASE NOTE: All Replacements and/or Upgrades to be issued within 2 weeks. Additional time may be required depending on the other CP's response time.
NYC SST Replacement Card
To qualify for a NYC DOB Worker and/or Supervisor card replacement, a student must meet the following criteria:
- Completed 40-hours of Worker and/or 62-hours of Supervisor NYC DOB SST training with 360training or a different NYC DOB approved provider. Note: Below are two CPs whose authorization has been suspended and/or revoked by the NYC DOB. Students from these CPs will be handled in compliance with the department’s rules and regulations. This list and/or status is subject to change per DOB’s notification.
- EHS Academy LLC
- Connoisseur Institute
- Completed the training (Worker and/or Supervisor) within the last 5 years. Students from different CPs will be handled in compliance with the department’s rules and regulations. Note: Replacement cards will not have a new SST ID#, issuance and expiration date.
- Must provide complete/valid identity and training documentation to be eligible (not applicable to students who completed the training with Note: Identity and training documentation to be sent to [email protected].
NYC SST Upgrade from to Training Connect Card
To qualify for a NYC DOB Worker and/or Supervisor card upgrade, a student must meet the following criteria:
- Completed 40-hours of Worker and/or 62-hours of Supervisor NYC DOB SST training from 360training or a different NYC DOB approved provider.
- Has an active NYC DOB SST card issued in the last 5 years by 360training and/or a different CP and now requires the NEW Training Connect SST card ahead of the January 31, 2023 deadline. Note: SST cards are only issued to individual learners and not their employers. Cards issued by different CPs will be authenticated prior to the issuance of a new card.
- Must provide complete/valid identity and training documentation (including a photo of the current SST card) to be eligible (not applicable to students who completed the training with 360training). Note: Identity and training documentation to be sent to [email protected].
NYC SST Card Upgrade to Supervisor
Completed additional NYC DOB SST Supervisor training from 360training or a different NYC DOB approved provider.
Note: As per NYC DOB, Supervisors need 62-hours of approved training. The individuals who have a worker card need 22-hours of additional training and the individuals who have 30-hour OSHA card need 32-hours of additional training.
Course Facts
What You Get
Certificate of Completion
Course Access
Course Available 24/7
Support available by email, phone, or chat
Course Format
100% online
Course Structure
At your own pace, save progress as you go
Course Content
Content is updated and current

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