Hours of Service for Oilfield Operations
Navigate the complexities of FMCSA Part 395 for oilfield operations. This course provides motor carrier personnel with essential knowledge of exceptions, promoting compliance in diverse driving environments. Begin your journey by enrolling today!
- Thorough review of DOT 49 CFR 395.1 regulations
- Quick and easy 30-minute course
- Earn 0.1 CEUs upon program completion
- Covers the Hours of Service exceptions for oilfield operations
- Intended for personnel at motor carriers engaging in oilfield operations
100% Online At Your Own Pace
In compliance with FMCSA 49 CFR regulations
Certificate Upon Completion
Interactive and Engaging
About This Course s-mod-info
The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) outlines the Federal rules that motor carriers must follow. One of these rules is 49 CFR 395: Hours of Service for Drivers. The FMCSA recognizes that not all driving operations are the same, and there are exceptions to the Hours of Service rules to address some of the situations faced by a diversified motor carrier industry. This course covers the Hours of Service exceptions for oilfield operations.Recommended Prerequisite: CSA 2010 - Manager's BASIC 2 - Fatigued Driving (Hours of Service) or CSA 2010 BASIC 2 - Fatigued Driving (Hours of Service)
This course is intended for personnel at motor carriers engaging in oilfield operations.
Learning Outcomes
After taking this course, you will be able to:
- Define the Oilfield Exceptions to the Hours of Service rules and apply the exceptions to real-world situations.

AdvanceOnline is accredited by the International Accreditors for Continuing Education and Training (IACET) and offers IACET CEUs for its learning events that comply with the ANSI/IACET Continuing Education and Training Standard. IACET is recognized internationally as a standard development organization and accrediting body that promotes the quality of continuing education and training.