Hours of Service for Management
Explore FMCSA Part 395 regulations, understand key terms, exceptions, and RODS requirements. Start your journey by registering today!
- Detailed overview of FMCSR - 49 CFR 395
- Created in collaboration with DOT TSI experts
- Finish your training in just 2 hours
- 0.2 CEUs offered upon successful course completion
100% Online At Your Own Pace
In compliance with FMCSA 49 CFR regulations
Certificate Upon Completion
Interactive and Engaging
About This Course s-mod-info
Developed in conjunction with the experts from the U.S. Department of Transportation's (DOT) Transportation Safety Institute (TSI), this course covers the regulations in Part 395 of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations (FMCSRs): Hours of Service of Drivers. The course addresses the applicability of the regulations, key terms, the maximum driving time rules and their exceptions, the circumstances under which a driver can be placed Out-of-Service (OOS), and the record of duty status (RODS) requirements. The course focuses on what the property-carrying motor carrier needs to know to make sure their drivers are in compliance with critical maximum driving and RODS regulations. Motor carrier staff in the role of safety director or supervisor, dispatcher, human resources (HR), and others may have particular need to know the HOS regulations.
This course covers the regulations in effect as of July 1, 2013.
This course is intended for all property-carrying motor carrier personnel who are required to understand the Hours of Service regulations, including:
- Safety Directors
- Safety Supervisors
- Human Resources (HR) personnel
- Safety Compliance personnel.
Learning Outcomes
After taking this course, you will be able to:
- Identify the goals of the Hours of Service (HOS) regulations in 49 CFR 395, define the key terms related to HOS, and recognize the importance of critical regulations in this Part
- Recognize the maximum driving times allowed for property-carrying CMV drivers and the Out-of-Service criteria for violations of the maximum driving times
- Identify the exceptions to the maximum driving time rules, including exceptions for special categories of drivers, drivers in special situations, and drivers using a sleeper berth
- Recognize the required contents of the Record of Duty Status, the Out-of-Service violations of the Record of Duty Status, and common mistakes made in preparing the Record of Duty Status.
Course Facts
What You Get
Certificate of Completion
Course Access
Course Available 24/7
Support available by email, phone, or chat
Course Format
100% online
Course Structure
At your own pace, save progress as you go
Course Update
Content is updated and current

AdvanceOnline is accredited by the International Accreditors for Continuing Education and Training (IACET) and offers IACET CEUs for its learning events that comply with the ANSI/IACET Continuing Education and Training Standard. IACET is recognized internationally as a standard development organization and accrediting body that promotes the quality of continuing education and training.