Alabama Metal Coil Certification

A Certificate of Completion that you can immediately download and print. Per OSHA, the Certificate of Completion may be used to verify training prior to receiving your DOL OSHA Card.

  • For CMV drivers in the state of Alabama
  • Covers FMCSR - 49 CFR 393 Subpart I with a focus on 393.120 FMCSR - 49 CFR 392.9
  • Immediate certificate of completion
100% Online At Your Own Pace
Approved by Alabama DPS
Certificate Upon Completion
Interactive and Engaging

About This Course s-mod-info


When cargo is transported on the highway, the cargo must be securely placed on or in the vehicle. Loose or falling cargo causes accidents - sometimes severe accidents. As a driver, you need to make sure your cargo is secure. This course provides details on the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations (FMCSRs) covering the securement of metal coils, including the driver's responsibilities for cargo securement and the ways to safely secure this type of cargo.
Students who successfully complete this course will be certified in metal coil securement in accordance with Alabama law Code of Ala.1975, §32-9A- 2(a) (4)a.


This course is intended for CMV drivers who transport metal coils.

Learning Outcomes

After taking this course, you will be able to:

  • Secure cargo on or in a CMV in a manner that complies with the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations, specifically 49 CFR 393 Subpart I - Protection Against Shifting and Falling Cargo and 49 CFR 392.9 - Inspection of Cargo, Cargo Securement Devices, and Systems.
  • Secure metal coils to a CMV in a manner that complies with the special rules for that commodity included in the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations (FMCSRs), specifically 49 CFR 393.120.


In order to successfully complete this course, you must meet the following requirements:

  • Complete all required exercises
  • Successfully complete all lesson exams
  • Complete the end-of-course survey
DPA Alabama Coil

AdvanceOnline provides this course to satisfy both the general market need for metal coil securement training and the State of Alabama Code of Law 1975, §32-9A- 2(a) (4)a as it pertains to transporting and delivering metal coil within the state.

Course Facts


What You Get

Certificate of completion

Driver Small Icon

Who Should Take the Training?

CMV drivers who transport metal coils

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Course Access

Course Available 24/7

Standards Icon

Standards Covered

FMCSR - 49 CFR 393 Subpart I with a particular focus on 393.120 FMCSR - 49 CFR 392.9

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Support available by email, phone, or chat


Course Format

100% online

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Course Structure

At your own pace, save progress as you go

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Course Update

Content is updated and current



Need a Replacement OSHA DOL Card?

To qualify for a DOL card replacement, you must meet all the conditions below:

  • You enrolled in OSHA 10-Hour or 30-Hour training through AdvanceOnline 
  • You successfully passed the OSHA 10-Hour or OSHA 30-Hour course within the last 5 years
  • You've never received an OSHA replacement card from 360training before

NOTE: Per OSHA regulations, you're only allowed one replacement card in case of loss or damage. To get an additional card, you will need to complete the DOL Card training requirements again.

Request a Replacement

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